1) 20-25 minutes of daily exercise is sufficient to maintain good health. Make time for exercise every time you are free. morning time is ideal for the exercises.
2) The energy level in the human body is changing, because their mental change moods. Avoid exercise during the emotional turmoil.
3) Regular exercise often leads to fatigue. Sometimes a person may feel weak to continue the same routine the next day. Avoid strenuous exercise. Adequate sleep. Fatigue during exercise is meaningless. The exercise only when the body is ready and healthy.
4) A man needs healthy and balanced diet. Because a body can not function properly without the nutritional diet. Take the right amount of fruits, vegetables and foods rich in carbohydrates if you are exercising daily. This keeps the energy level balanced. Protein is essential for muscle function. Drink milk and cereal-rich proteins.
5) Sometimes people suffer from joint pains and body aches due to the exercises. Avoid exercise in these conditions, light exercise and walking is encouraged. The person has to take proper care during the year and keep the body rigid. Avoid exercise if you have body aches, restlessness, fatigue or loss of appetite.
6) Avoid exercising in the same place every day. Outdoor exercise, garden or light music. Wear loose, comfortable clothing for exercise.
7) Be positive. You should always feel that exercise enhances the beauty. You should feel that your body is toned. This positive thinking will help in the motivation and reduces fatigue.

9) The exercise is not a magic wand that will bring results overnight. It takes approximately two to three weeks. Include exercise into your daily routine for a positive outcome.
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